We are creating a safer world for adolescents!

We are passionate about gender equality, menstrual equity and sexual awareness. Through advocacy, awareness, we strive for a future where all women and adolescents have equal opportunities, make informed choices, and menstrual justice is upheld, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society for generations to come.

  • Promoting Gender Balance
  • Combatting Cross-Generational Sexual Relationships
  • Addressing menstrual inequities

Impacted +20,000 Adolescents In Nigeria

Our awareness programs have been spread across grassroot communities in Nigeria, schools, churches and other institutions empowering adolescents and women to resist harmful relationships and make better choices.

Get Involved

Your support and involvement are crucial to the success of our initiatives. Whether you choose to volunteer your time or donate to our cause at this time, you’re directly contributing to the positive impact we have on young people’s lives.